Python | Flask | Bash | Git | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Hugo | Docker | GitHub Actions | AWS | Cloudformation | CloudFlare
countpool - Website for counting down days towards a specified date. Time entries are stored in local storage and in a MySQL database using SQLAlchemy. Built using Flask and deployed using AWS Cloudformation. The infrastructure consists of an EC2 and ASG, fronted with an ALB, the data is stored in MySQL RDS.
simpledinein - Website for sharing simple, easy to cook, Filipino cuisine recipes. Built using Django framework, deployed using AWS Cloudformation, with Github for version control and Github Actions for CICD. CDN is managed using Cloudflare and domain management is done via Namecheap. The infrastructure is deployed using AWS ECS Fargate with an ALB.
T&K Automotive. - Static website that shows information about a local mechanic shop based in Sunshine. Built using a React-based Framework, Gatsby and Contentful as a CMS. Hosted and deployed via Netlify, and uses Cloudflare for CDN.
Tiny Succles - Shopping website used by a local business in Fraser Rise to showcase and their succulents online (shopping checkout is currently disabled while the owner decides on her new inventory). Built using Hugo Framework where it feeds on Markdown files. Integrated with Snipcart API for product tracking as well as with Square for payment gateway. Hosted and deployed via Netlify, and uses Cloudflare for CDN.